TDLSIM (Tactical Data Link SIMulator)
Tactical data link simulator system, developed by MilSOFT with all native resources. System itself, has been developed and improved upon, simulation framework, which has been already under usage on different simulator projects since 2005.


  • System consist of two main modules; Tactical Environment and GateWay.
    Tactical environment module core functionality is as follows:
    • GIS (Geographical Information System) and tactical environment features (note: PiriMAP GIS, which is developed by MilSOFT is being used)
    •Link 16 / Link 22 support.
    •Scenario based preparation / playback / replay.
    •NATO APP 6B symbology support.
    •DTED formatted map support.
    •HLA / DDS middleware support.
    •C2 JU modeling.
    Gateway module core functionality is as follows:
    •Link 16 / Link 22 / JRE / SIMPLE support.
    •MIDS Type-J, terminal / host emulation.
    •JREAP-C support.
    •Message viewing /generation /recording / playback / blocking / delaying / customization.
    •J message parsing.
    •JREAP message parsing.

Intelligence officers can search through every bit of data at high speed, extract significant intelligence, perform multi-dimensional analysis using different customized views and share it with other officers when necessary.